Caching Layers
This diagram is identical to the one in the Architecture Overview page and is repeated here for convenience.
Frontends (Mobile, Web (SPA), Web (SSR))
We differentiate between state management (aka client-side caching) for remote data and local data. Local state management of the application is complex and somewhat hard to clearly distinguish from caching, therefore this listing here shall just give first pointers and does not give any guarantees for completeness or being up-to-date.
All remote data
- fetched via GraphQL (unified-api) is fetched using Apollo Client caching
- fetched for chat will be stored in Jotai.
- login state / user session data is stored in Apollo Reactive Variables
Identity and Access Proxy (Ory Oathkeeper)
- We are currently not aware of any caching being done in the context of Oathkeeper.
- Ory as SaaS features "Edge Sessions" (caching on CDN edges) to speed up calls to /sessions/whoami but this comes with potentially stale responses. So we’d only activate if we have a reason. This feature is currently NOT active.
GraphQL Mesh (unified api)
"Caching" of aggregated schemata at build time. When the service is built it fetches the schemata of the aggregated services and keeps the unified schema as part of the docker image. Therefore, an service rebuild is then necessary to reflect changes in one or multiple backends.
We have implemented response caching using Redis for the DiscoverSpaces query. The configuration is inside the
configuration file. It gets/sets the records using the name of the operation (DiscoverSpaces) and the variables passed to the query (offset, limit, geolocation (country), hash of the topic ids, has of the skill ids). The response cache is invalidated in Okuna when a mutation (create, update or deletion) of a space occurs. Note that the plugin for GraphQL mesh is not really powerful. For a more complex use case would be useful to implement the envelop library (Adding a GraphQL Response Cache – GraphQL Envelop (
Social Core (okuna)
- Okuna (based on Django) uses Redis to cache “potentially everything”. We currently use caching for specific database query result sets in holi Spaces (using @cached_as annotation of the cacheops library and manual cache operations based on Django caching).
App Integrations
- holi-app-donations: uses in-memory caching for query responses
- holi-app-goodnews: uses in-memory caching for query responses
- holi-app-volunteering: uses in-memory caching for query responses
Shared Services
Some services are of such a generic nature that they can be sensibly shared between core and integration services or even frontend applications.
- holi-geo-api: uses in-memory caching for query responses
- shared-image-proxy: uses Google CDN to cache responses.